Category: Kathy Driscoll
Shelter Tales June/July 2019
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Shelter Tales, February 2019
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All the latest dogs and cats available for adoption from Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales, Dec 2018 Edition
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From Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA
Shelter Tales, September Edition
129 Views0 Comments1 Likes
The latest dogs and cats up for adoption at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales, July 2018 Edition
112 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, June 2018 Edition
194 Views0 Comments0 Likes
The latest selection of dogs and cats available for adoption at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales, April Edition
236 Views0 Comments0 Likes
From the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA
Shelter Tales, January 2018 Edition
190 Views0 Comments0 Likes
The long running show highlights the newest dogs and cats available for adoption at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales, July/August Edition
175 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, May 2017 Edition
180 Views0 Comments0 Likes
From the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA
Shelter Tales, March 2017
161 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales January 2017
183 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, December 2016
213 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, November Edition
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Shelter Tales, September Edition
129 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Dogs and cats readily available for adoption from Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales, June 2016 Edition
156 Views0 Comments0 Likes
The are all the dogs and cats available for adoption at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales May 2016
178 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, May 2016 Edition
130 Views0 Comments0 Likes
The latest program highlighting all dogs and cats available for adoption from Northshore Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales April 2016
169 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales is a monthly series highlighting dogs and cats available for adoption at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
Shelter Tales March 2016
145 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, February 2016 Edition
198 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, January Edition
188 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales, November Edition
301 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Shelter Tales is a monthly series highlighting all the cats and dogs available for adoption at North Shore Animal Shelter in Salem, MA