Category: Mike Cabral
Winthrop’s Veteran’s Day Ceremonies 2024
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Winthrop Shore Drive Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 10/24/18
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The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) hosted a ribbon cutting event to celebrate improvements made to Winthrop Shore Drive in the Town of Winthrop.
Winthrop MA CASA’s Step Up/Fed Up Rally 2017
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Local law enforcement, elected officials, civic leaders, people in recovery, and those who have lost loved ones to the opioid epedemic, join CASA on the lawn of Winthrop Town Hall to rally support and stand against th...
Winthrop Library 125th Celebration, June 27, 2024
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Winthrop Farmers Market At French Square, Summer 2014
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Highlights of this summer's farmers markets, updated after each event.
Winthrop Elected Officials Swearing In Ceremony 2018
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From Winthrop High School, January 2, 2018
Veterans Day 2017, Winthrop, MA
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November 11, 2017: The annual Veterans' Day Service held on the lawn at Town Hall.
The Winthrop Horribles Parade, July 4, 2018
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Winthrop's annual community parade, kicking off from The Landing.
Supporting The Troops With Richard Honan, July 2014
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Richard and Richard are joined by Francisco Urena, Commissioner of Boston Veterans' Services Department.
Supporting the Troops At Cummings School
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Richard Honan brings his popular cable series to 4th grade students at the Cummings School. Taped May 8, 2014
Recognizing Fire Prevention Week With A Brief History of the Winthrop Fire Department
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Host Diane Wallace discusses Fire Prevention Week with Dick Bangs and Fire Chief Paul Flanagan. Also: Dick Bangs discusses his donation of old fire artifacts to the Winthrop Public Library and then narrates a short do...
Re-Dedication of the Vietnam War Memorial At WHS, March 29, 2017
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Town and State dignitaries, and Winthrop veterans, gathered on Vietnam Veteran's Day, March 29, 2017, at the new Winthrop High School to re-dedicate the Vietnam War Memorial, which was originally installed at the old ...
MBC Public Hearing: The State of Winthrop Beach, May 14, 2019
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The Metropolitan Beaches Commission (MBC) held a public meeting in Winthrop to discuss the current state, and the future of Winthrop Beach.
Massport/EBNHC Press Conference of October 16, 2014
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On Thursday, October 16, 2014, Massport held a press conference to announce their $170,000 contribution to the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) to address early symptoms of childhood asthma and adult COP...
MA DOER Green Communities Competitive Grants Awards, July 20, 2018
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The MA Department of Energy Resources and The Baker-Polito Administration announce the most recent MA towns and cities to receive funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The ceremony took place at...
MA Cultural Council’s 2015 Creative Youth Development Award
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The Massachusetts Cultural Council presents their annual Creative Youth Development Award to John and Trudy Macero of Winthrop. Taped live at WCAT Studios on March 11, 2015
Jazz at the ZUMIX Firehouse, June 7, 2015
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The 5th Annual Jazz at the Firehouse Series kicked off on June 7th with an amazing performance by Christine Fawson Quartet, featuring Phil Wilson. Opening the show is 14-year-old vocalist and pianist Angelina Botticelli.
Happy Tails With Nancy O’Malley
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This episode: Nancy introduces her newly adopted Chihuahua, Gigi, who was given a second chance thanks to The Danny Boy Adoption Fund.
Grand Opening of the Feldman Seaside Apartments of Winthrop
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Grand Masters Night- Oddfellows Zenith Lodge Winthrop, October 2014
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Governor Baker’s MassWorks Grant Announcement In Winthrop, July 21, 2017
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Governor Baker presents Winthrop Town Manager James McKenna with a check for $2.4 million to fund the Winthrop Centre Business District revitalization project.
Facts On Mosquito Activity and Mosquito-Borne Diseases In MA in 2018
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An important discussion on the mosquito-borne diseases effecting Massachusetts in 2018. Hosted by Dr. Astrid Weins, with Kim Foss and Kelsey Evans from Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control District.
Community Forum With Ron Vecchia: The Mohegan Sun Project
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Ron Vecchia discusses traffic and road improvement plans for the proposed Casino at Suffolk Downs with Gary Luderitz, Vice President of Operations and Development, Mohegan Sun; and John Kennedy, Senior Pricipal, Vanas...
Community Forum With Ron Vecchia, March 16, 2015
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Ron welcomes the family of Richard 'Doc' Tacelli to discuss the Richard Tacelli Foundation.
Checking In With Amy: Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease, Dec 2018
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Amy's guest this month: Tina Gianellis, Pharmacy Intern