Category: Public Access
Sail Boston Tall Ships Community Meeting at MWRA, May 30, 2017
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May 30, 2017 community meeting with MWRA and Winthrop town officials to discuss the safety and traffic regulations to be implemented during the Parade of Sails on June 17th.
DCR Public Meeting on Winthrop Beach, June 21 2017
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Checking In With Amy: ‘Why Falls Happen and What To Do About It’
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Taped before a live audience at The Jack Satter House in Revere, MA, Amy sits with PACE Occupational Therapist Chad Williams to discuss fall prevention.
Liz Barbour’s Creative Feast: Bringing Culinary Arts To You
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Taped at the Winthrop Public Library, June 7, 2017
MA Clean Energy Future Tour, June 26, 2017
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On Monday, June 26, 2017, the ninth hearing of the Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change’s MA Clean Energy Future Tour was held at the Robert A. DeLeo Senior Center in Winthrop. The event was hosted by...
On the Bookshelf Episode 6
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Pete Solomon talks to Erica Ferencik, author of "The River at Night"
An Acoustic Session with Hana Kahn
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An Acoustic Session with Hana Kahn recorded live June 3, 2017
Shelter Tales, July/August Edition
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Governor Baker’s MassWorks Grant Announcement In Winthrop, July 21, 2017
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Governor Baker presents Winthrop Town Manager James McKenna with a check for $2.4 million to fund the Winthrop Centre Business District revitalization project.
On the Bookshelf, Episode 7
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Pete Solomon talks to Kameel Nasr, author of "The Symphony Heist: A Tale of Music and Desire". Produced by Cathy Stacy and Matt Rodes.
Checking In With Amy: Diabetes Made Simple
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August 2017: This month Amy welcomes Ashley Casey, PharmD Registered Pharmacist, and Pharmacy Interns Miriam Abdelmalek and Joanna Nichols to discuss the signs, symptoms and treatments for diabetes.
An Acoustic Session with Ric Allendorf
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Ric Allendorf perfoms on An Acoustic Session. Recorded live on August 12, 2017.
Winthrop MA CASA’s Step Up/Fed Up Rally 2017
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Local law enforcement, elected officials, civic leaders, people in recovery, and those who have lost loved ones to the opioid epedemic, join CASA on the lawn of Winthrop Town Hall to rally support and stand against th...
On the Bookshelf, Episode 8
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Pete Solomon talks with Bill Stamper, author of "Reality Checks".
White Heat Swing Quintet At The Deane Winthrop House, Winthrop, MA
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WIHA 2016 Music on the Lawn Presents White Heat Swing Quintet - July 20, 2016.
Life Issues with Judie VanKoiman; Homelessness
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Judie sits down with Ed Cameron and Patty Kelly of Housing Families.
The Shenanigans At The Deane Winthrop House, Winthrop, MA
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WIHA 2016 Music On The Lawn Presents The Shenanigans - August 24, 2016.
Veterans Day 2017, Winthrop, MA
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November 11, 2017: The annual Veterans' Day Service held on the lawn at Town Hall.
On the Bookshelf Episode 9
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Pete Solomon sits down with Marc Levy, author of "How Stevie Nearly Lost the War and Other Postwar Stories".
An Acoustic Session with Ricky Hillson
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Musician Ricky Hillson performs on An Acoustic Session.
Checking In With Amy: Grief And Loss
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Amy is joined by PACE social worker Casey Carson, who discusses how to cope with the loss of a loved one.
Winthrop Elected Officials Swearing In Ceremony 2018
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From Winthrop High School, January 2, 2018
An Acoustic Session with Grace O’Shea
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Grace O'Shea performs on An Acoustic Session.